Giant clam

Giant Squeeze

Giant clam

“But he said, ‘I will not let You go unless You bless me!’” [Genesis 32:26]

The giant clam is the largest living bivalve mollusk in the world. It’s also one of the most endangered clam species. It is native to the shallow coral reefs of the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. Known as Tridacna gigas, this huge clam can weigh more than 440 pounds and can measure four feet across. (We might say it has a “giga-bite”!) It can live to be almost 100 years old.

The giant clam lives on flat coral sand or on broken coral and is found at depths up to 60 feet. Though it has the largest geographical spread of its species, it has become more and more scarce. It does have the ability to grow rapidly due to an uncanny skill of cultivating plants in its body tissue. A symbiotic relationship with algae gives the giant clam needed nutrition. During daylight hours, the clam will open its giant mouth to let sunshine inside, which helps the algae grow and flourish.

Interestingly, the giant clam cannot completely close its shell like other mollusks. Even when mostly closed, you can still see part of its inner mantle, especially in older specimens. The largest giant clam ever found measured 54 inches across and was discovered in Sumatra. The two shells weighed 510 pounds, which means it probably weighed 550 pounds alive.

The giant clam has an old reputation for being aggressive and deadly. It has actually been known as the “killer clam” or the “maneating clam.” Outdated scientific manuals once claimed this giant mollusk killed people. Even an old version of the U.S. Navy Diving Manual explained how to release oneself from the deadly squeeze of this huge clam. But the giant clam is not dangerous, and when it closes its shell as a defense mechanism (not to attack) it happens too slowly to be a serious threat. In fact, most of the larger giant clams cannot even close their shells all the way.

The Bible talks about a giant squeeze that actually saved someone’s life! When Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord (Jesus), as daybreak approached, he clung to the angel. Notice what happened: “And He [the Angel of the Lord] said, ‘Let Me go, for the day breaks.’ But he said, ‘I will not let You go unless You bless me!’” (Genesis 32:26). The Lord blessed Jacob’s faith and changed his named to Israel, which means “overcomer.” If there is ever a time to squeeze tight, it is when we are clinging to the Lord.

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